
European Commission announces €1 billion quantum technologies initiative

25th May 2016

A €1 billion flagship initiative to accelerate the development of quantum technology was announced at an event organised by the Netherlands EU Presidency and the European Commission.

Researchers and industrial partners from the UK National Quantum Technology Hub for Sensors and Metrology recently gathered, with colleagues from across Europe, for the Quantum Europe Conference.

Günther H. Oettinger, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, launched the initiative and outlined his objective to reinforce European scientific leadership and excellence in quantum research and in quantum technologies.

He said, ‘We need to act together at a European level to turn our scientific successes in quantum technologies into benefits for our industry and society. No single country can make it on its own, cooperation is essential to succeed.’

The Quantum Manifesto, the blueprint behind the initiative, has been endorsed by over 3,400 leaders from science, industry and governmental organisations, with funding coming from the Commission, member states, companies and universities.

During the conference, Hub representatives welcomed the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss the many and varied potential applications of this transformative technology with Commissioner Oettinger and Henk Kamp, Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs who visited the exhibit.