The primary aim of the UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing has always been to take technology out of the labs into the marketplace, where it can be translated into real-world applications. Professor Rosalind Jones, Hub Co-Investigator at Liverpool John Moores University – a recent addition to the Hub’s consortium – aims to do exactly this using her expertise in gaining industry marketplace insight.

Sadly, many profoundly intelligent scientific inventions do not reach commercialisation because of a lack of market readiness or knowledge of industry demands. With over 15 years of experience in entrepreneurial marketing and strategic orientation to ensure long-term business survival, Rosalind’s role in the Hub is to explore industry marketplace nuances to help Hub researchers better understand how their technologies need to be adapted to meet customer needs.
Part of Rosalind’s research involves conducting interviews with industry leads on how they imagine deploying quantum sensor technology specifically for their potential application environments. Rosalind is also able to advise on new product development and managing supply chains, particularly as her expertise lies in entrepreneurial innovation and marketing.
Looking ahead and identifying potential opportunities is key to producing truly disruptive technology, as well as having constructive conversations with industry which give insight into developing technology for real-world applications. There is also scope to gain industry insight through initiatives such as Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) which are mutually beneficial for both the business and academics.
Helpfully, Rosalind is able to offer all Hub researchers advice on developing prototype technology through to market, and how to best promote their product to interested industry parties. If you would like to get in touch with Rosalind about your technology development in the Hub, you can contact her at [email protected].